Chairman's Blog

12 Hours and Counting

January 08, 2019

12 Hours and Counting

I don’t know about you, but I’m already feeling a bit worn out by the new Democrat majority in the House.

Not 12 hours into Nancy Pelosi’s speakership, here’s what happened.

  1. The House spent $54 billion in new spending with some of that going to pay for abortions in other countries.
  2. Democrats filed 2 articles of impeachment against the president.
  3. A new Muslim Member of Congress happily announced, “we’re going to impeach that mother f_cker!”
  4. Nancy Pelosi, with plenty of crazy arm waving, kept ranting, “no wall,” and “no money for the wall.”
  5. Democrats passed a purely political spending bill with not one dime of protection for our southern border.
  6. The new socialist congresswoman from New York, Ocasio Cortez, declared that a balanced budget was irresponsible.

All of this in the first 12 hours. Thank goodness most of these people had to sleep for a few hours before starting up again.

This is going to be a very long 2 years until the next election. It’s important to remember the words of Obama, “elections have consequences.”

I’m not saying America, or even Republicans, are getting what they deserve, but let’s face it, Republicans got nailed in the 2018 elections. The result: a very painful two years is ahead of us.

One thing the first 12 hours makes clear: Nancy Pelosi is an egotistical socialist who somehow thinks she is equal to the president. And because she hates Donald Trump above all else, she is going to set her new committee chairmen loose to do everything possible to embarrass and/or ruin the president, his family and his closest advisors. They’ve already announced they’re opening investigations into his taxes and his business dealings.

You can bet Pelosi will do EVERYTHING possible to wrap the president in lawsuits, subpoenas, procedures, and investigations. Best case from their perspective, they’ll find misdeeds with which to charge Trump, his family, and/or his associates. Worst case, they’ll tie up Trump so he accomplishes nothing over the next two years.

Their strategy is obvious — set up a Democrat campaign against a do nothing President Trump. Not a bad plan, except for one inescapable problem.

Us Deplorables!

If we spend the next two years just sitting on our butts and watching in horror as the liberal, Muslim, socialists in the new Congress tear our country and our president apart, SHAME ON US!

This space will soon be filled with ideas on what every American can do to make sure we as Patriots win back the House, keep the Senate, and hold the White House.

Happy New Year, but don’t expect it to be smooth sailing!

John Philip Sousa IV

John Philip Sousa IV is an entrepreneur, political activist, author and accomplished business person. John has worked in the financial services industry for over 40 years, built a highly successful marketing company, ran for congress at age 24, and in 2016 created and led the successful movement to draft Dr Ben Carson into his candidacy for President of the United States. John is author of John Philip Sousa, A Patriot’s Life in Words and Pictures and Ben Carson, RX for America.