Black Radio Ads Begin to Run
Black Radio Ads Begin to Run
March 14, 2017
Our ninety second radio spots have begun playing on black radio stations in states where black voters can make a difference in key U.S. Senate races. We plan to run these ads through the month of March.
Our first ad is playing in the Milwaukee, WI, Richmond, VA, and Tidewater, VA markets beginning March 14 and running for one week. Entitled 1960s, this ad features E.W. Jackson, a conservative politician, Christian minister, and lawyer in VA. Jackson ran on the Republican ticket for the U.S. Senate in Virginia in the 2012 election.[1]
Our long-term goal is to consistently win one-third of the African American vote in key swing states. With the support of black Americans, we can win a 61 seat majority in the Senate, the majority required to overcome Democratic filibusters. We want to be on the radio stations African Americans listen to five days a week, every week from now until Election Day 2018.
By running these 90 second radio spots, we've taken the first step in enacting this ambitious goal. In 2018, we have one of the greatest opportunities to enact a truly conservative agenda for America.
[1] “E.W. Jackson” Wikipedia, Feb. 28, 2017.