
Black Vote Climbing Both Numerically and As a Percent of the Total Vote

July 14, 2016

The following table shows some of the Census Bureau data that we looked at in the swing states.

State Black Population Registered Black Voters % Registered
Colorado 201,737 75,000 37.2%
Florida 2,999,862 1,358,000 45.3%
Indiana 591,397 226,000 38.2%
Iowa 89,148 31,000 34.8%
Michigan 1,400,362 685,000 48.9%
North Carolina 2,048,628 1,040,000 50.8%
Ohio 1,407,681 680,000 48.3%
Pennsylvania 1,377,689 492,000 31.7%
Virginia 1,551,399 712,000 45.9%

As you can see from this table, the percent of African American voters registered is higher in states where the Democrats have been most active.

In 2012, for the first time in history, a higher percent of black voters voted than white voters in the presidential election.  While just 61.4% of white voters voted in 2012, 66.2% of black voters came out to the polls.

In other words, the black vote is climbing both numerically and as a percent of the total vote.  That makes our outreach to African American voters that much more important, especially when you consider that in the last NBC/Wall Street Journal poll 37% of African Americans were identified as conservatives based on their views on the issues.