Chairman's Blog

Character Counts for Both Candidates

October 30, 2020

A man with his fingers crossed

Democrats want to make this election about character, just not the character of their candidate.

With a sharply partisan media intent on pushing a bent narrative, it’s almost impossible to know what’s true in the news these days, and what’s not. Have the riots, looting and burning stopped? Or has the media just stopped covering them?

One thing’s clear. Ever since polls started showing the riots were hurting Joe Biden and other Democrats, either the media stopped covering the riots or the ANTIFA and BLM thugs leading the riots reduced their mayhem.

Whatever the case, the press seems to have stopped reporting the bad news coming from Democrat controlled cities and states. Normally on a Monday morning we’d get the body count from Chicago and other murderous cities. Not this week. Curious!

It’s not only the mainstream press Joe has in his pocket, but also social and digital media outlets. It’s gotten to the point where we can’t even retweet an article by a well known newspaper because it reveals the deep corruption of the Biden family.

Even with the press carrying his water though, Biden is afraid to emerge from the basement. He hadn’t been seen for more than a week before the last debate. Now, in the closing week, he’s been MIA as well. No doubt he and Hunter were in the basement together scripting Joe’s responses to Trump’s questions. After all, they needn’t worry about the media’s questions. There aren’t any - unless you think asking about his favorite flavor of milkshake is adequate media vetting of a candidate for president. Or maybe they’re scripting Hunter’s response to the grilling he’ll eventually receive from law enforcement. Hard to know what use Hunter would be in either case considering the stupidity of the guy.

Once upon a time in America we could count on federal law enforcement and the intelligence establishment to do the right thing: to put America and Americans first. No more. They’ve been poisoned by the massive corruption that’s infected the leadership of the Democratic Party.

It’s ironic that Biden once claimed his proudest accomplishment was being part of an Administration that for 8 years avoided even a whisper of scandal.

That, of course, is utter nonsense. Using the IRS to harass conservative groups, covering up the Benghazi disaster that resulted in the death of 4 Americans including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, selling a large share of American uranium in exchange for a huge donation from Russia to Hillary Clinton’s Foundation, transferring $150 billion in cash to Iran that was used to finance terror and kill hundreds of Americans and Israeli’s - these are just a few examples. There are lots more.

But isn’t it interesting that even before Biden is elected, he is embroiled in one of the greatest scandals in American history?

The left in America has made a sport of corruption. It’s turned into a competition of who can outdo who. Adam Schiff, for example, has made all kinds of demonstrably false allegations against Trump and Republicans. He followed Nancy Pelosi into the abyss to impeach the president with absolutely no evidence of wrong-doing. What we’ve learned sense is that it was Joe Biden and the Obama-Biden Administration that actually engaged in Ukraine quid-pro-quos.

Now we know that the Obama White House used federal law enforcement to investigate, surveil, and harass his party’s political opponent in the 2016 election. And it didn’t stop when the election was over. Obama’s lackeys in the FBI spent years - and $40 million - trying to convince Americans Trump was guilty when they knew he wasn’t. It was the kind of corruption we’re used to seeing in fascist dictatorships, but never in America.

Did Americans get an apology from Madam Speaker Pelosi? NO! Instead she pursued impeachment over equally phony charges. Now, she’s shamelessly holding up much needed stimulus money in an effort to get more dollars for illegal immigrants and states in which progressive politicians have attempted to buy off public employee unions with tax dollars they didn’t have. Now they need taxpayers nationally to cover the cost of their corruption.

It’s just another effort by Democrat leaders to cover their tracks. It’s apparent that’s what the whole impeachment thing was about - huge headlines every day in leftist papers and news shows intended to distract us from the fact that on his call to the Ukraine President he suggested Ukraine authorities investigate the Biden family’s corruption.

Prior to that, the Mueller investigation which cost $40 million, and found no evidence of wrong-doing by Trump; we’ve learned was just an effort to direct attention away from the real fact of Russian collusion - Hillary’s use of a false dossier against Trump that was entirely concocted by Russian intelligence.

For 2 years, we were subjected every day to Adam Schiff, Poopy Pants Nadler, and Nancy Pelosi — along with their entire clown car of political and media cronies - claiming Trump was a Russian agent and would soon be run out of office.

Now we know there were even deeper secrets they needed to hide. The fact that the Biden Crime Family raked in millions from companies and governments all over the world by selling access to the Obama-Biden White House. They might well have gotten away with it had Joe Biden’s idiot-drop-out son, Hunter, picked up a laptop he’d left a shop for repairs. The shop owner, being out the cost of repairs, took a look at the contents and realized immediately something was very wrong.

Aside from allegations of Hunter in photos with naked teens, there were apparently thousands of emails between Hunter and various business “associates” discussing shady, and possibly illegal, scams that netted him - and potentially his father - millions. More than a million a year to Hunter for sitting on the board of a Ukraine energy company - a subject and country he knew nothing about. A $3.5 million payment to Hunter from a Russian oligarch. And the commissions and fees Hunter made from managing $1.5 billion in investment funds for the Chinese Communist government. There were lots more, including emails that strongly suggest Joe was in on some of the deals.

When the story broke, Twitter blocked people from forwarding it on and Facebook claimed it was fact checked as partially untrue. The mainstream media at first refused to cover it, then claimed it was Russian disinformation. Once that was proven untrue, the media went radio silent.

One brave reporter who dared asked Joe Biden about his involvement was laughed down by fellow reporters, then personally attacked by Joe who called it all a smear campaign. Jill Biden told her friends on “The View” it was all a distraction. So far, though, not oner person associated with the Biden campaign have said the emails aren’t actually real.

With less than two weeks left till the election, Americans deserve some answers. The media should ask them, but they won’t. We need Senate hearings immediately. And, for damn sure, we need law enforcement to tell the American people what is on that laptop.

Democrats should be allowed to attack the character of Donald Trump without answering for their own candidate’s deep corruption and character defects.

John Philip Sousa IV

John Philip Sousa IV is an entrepreneur, political activist, author and accomplished business person. John has worked in the financial services industry for over 40 years, built a highly successful marketing company, ran for congress at age 24, and in 2016 created and led the successful movement to draft Dr Ben Carson into his candidacy for President of the United States. John is author of John Philip Sousa, A Patriot’s Life in Words and Pictures and Ben Carson, RX for America.