Down To The Wire
Down To The Wire
October 20, 2016
This article originally appeared on Rasmussen Reports.
It’s too early to measure the impact of last night’s final presidential debate, but Republican Donald Trump now has a three-point lead nationally on Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online White House Watch survey finds Trump with 43% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Clinton’s 40%. Six percent (6%) still prefer Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, and three percent (3%) favor Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Another three percent (3%) like some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided.
The latest survey finds Trump with the support of 82% of Republicans, 14% of Democrats and a six-point lead among voters not affiliated with either major political party. Clinton earns 77% of the Democratic vote and nine percent (9%) of Republicans.
Democrats, however, are nearly twice as likely as Republicans to think their presidential nominee will help congressional candidates in their party.
Twenty-two percent (22%) of unaffiliated voters say they could change their minds between now and Election Day, compared to just eight percent (8%) of both Democrats and Republicans.
Trump has a 14-point lead among men; Clinton leads by eight points among women. Women are slightly more certain of their vote than men are. Those under 40 continue to prefer Clinton; older voters favor Trump.
Clinton retains her sizable advantage among blacks. Trump is still ahead among whites. The candidates are tied among other minority voters.