
With Only One Week Until the GA-06 Special Election the Race is Still a Dead Heat

June 14, 2017

GA-06, a relatively small district in suburban Atlanta, Georgia has been set ablaze by a special election taking place next week. 

For many years, GA-06 was held, virtually uncontested, by Republican Dr. Tom Price. However, when he was asked by President Donald Trump to lead the Department of Health & Human Services, his seat opened up and required a special election to be held. 

Initially, 11 Republicans threw their hats into the race and the Democrats anointed 30-year-old Jon Ossoff as their candidate. Unfortunately with so many Republican candidates vying for the same position there was an incredible amount of discord within the party. Republicans were divided and under-financed while the Democrats were united and had incredible amounts of money to spend on advertising and campaigning. As a matter of fact, the Democrats outspent the eventual Republican nominee, Karen Handel by more than 10 to 1.

Democrats realized that voter turnout would likely be light for this special election, so they focused their time and energy in targeting black voters. They ran dishonest ads over black radio stations that said "the racism of Donald Trump must end" and, by implication, accused everyone who voted for Donald Trump of being a racist. 

"It’s not about a single Congressional seat in suburban Atlanta, it’s about the ability of the left leaning news media to crow that Americans are having buyer’s remorse, they regret that they elected Donald Trump."

— John Philip Sousa IV

This is when the Stars and Stripes Committee realized they had to get involved. 

There was almost no way that we could match the six-figure social media and radio advertising budget set by the Democrats, but we had the truth on our side. We ran a $30,000 radio ad blitz targeting black radio stations in the days leading up the election.

With the help of generous donors, effective targeting and unabridged truth we were able to hold Democrat Jon Ossoff from receiving less than 50% of the vote and from stealing/buying the Republican House seat previously held by Tom Price, thus forcing a special election on June 20th between Jon Ossoff and Karen Handel.

For years, the Republican party has done almost nothing to target black voters. You would think that, after seeing powerful comebacks like the one in GA-06 they would start spending big dollars in an attempt to reach this powerful demographic. But they haven't.

Right now Democrat Jon Ossoff and Republican Karen Handel are in a dead heat as the special election on June 20th quickly approaches. 

Truth be told, this race is about much more than a single Congressional seat in a small suburb in Atlanta. Much more. Democrats believe that, if they win the seat, it will show that Americans are having "buyers remorse" and are regretting electing Donald Trump. 

Democrats and the media are clinging to any morsel of anti-Trump sentiment they can find and pretending that it represents the views of the entire nation. Unfortunately, having a Democrat taking over a seat formally held by Newt Gingrich and Dr. Tom Price would only fuel the fire. At this point, it seems that the Left will stop at nothing to win the seat, even going so far as to lie directly to the faces of black voters across the nation by saying the Republican agenda is racist. 

"What gall these far left Democrats have to call you and me and Donald Trump racists. Every time they look in a mirror they see a racist who opposes school choice and targets black children for abortion.​"

— John Philip Sousa IV

That’s why, with the full backing of the board of directors and the steering committee of Stars and Stripes Forever PAC, we are once again airing radio ads aimed at making sure that blacks understand that Karen Handel stands with them on their conservative views such as right-to-life, taxation, education, and national defense. And that Jon Ossoff does not. 

We have produced three radio ads and reserved air time on prominent black stations throughout the GA-06 district. The ads are scheduled to begin on Tuesday June 14th and will run 4x per day on each station through Election Day, June 20.  

The price to pay for these ads and keep them on the air through Election Day is $13,200. 

If you want to take a stand against the Democratic narrative that the American people are rejecting the conservative agenda of President Trump, please consider joining the fight today. 

Helps us by giving your immediate support to defeat radical Democrat Jon Ossoff in the June 20 special election to fill the seat of Republican Tom Price, now Secretary of Health and Human Services.