Maxine Waters
Some call her "Auntie Maxine" but we now refer to her as "Mad Max."
August 10, 2017
Congresswoman Maxine Waters, a Democrat representing California's 43rd district has finally gone too far.
Her latest vicious attacks on Ben Carson and President Trump have received national attention and we are throwing down the gauntlet.
First, she attacked Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary of HUD, by saying that when he comes before her committee she's going to "take him apart."
And now she continues on a national tirade calling for the impeachment of Donald Trump.
It's time for this madness to stop.
Americans elected Donald Trump as their president, but these radical, leftwing, obstructionists are rallying themselves into higher, insane tizzies with no relief in sight, and ruining our country and everything in their path.
The Democrats' main objective right now is to defy President Trump at every turn and derail any legislation or policy he's trying to move forward as he promised while on the campaign trail:
- Repeal ObamaCare
- Tax Reform
- Secure the Border
- Crack-down on Sanctuary Cities
- Deport Illegal Immigrants that have committed crimes
- Clean up the corruption in Washington, D.C.
And Maxine Waters is an outspoken, rabble-rouser, speaking at event after event, determined to incite opposition and expand the resistance.
Her public statements are radical and spur even more division throughout America and in Congress.
On July 1, as an invited speaker at ESSENCE Festival, she took the stage and rallied:
"We can do this, you all, but we've got to stand up. I want you to rally. I want you to tweet... I want you to write to your elected officials. I want you to do everything... Get busy and keep going until we do what needs to be done. I am saying impeach 45! Impeach 45! Impeach 45! Impeach 45!"
And previous to that, she took the stage at the LA Pride Resist March and delivered these divisive words to a Trump-Hating crowd:
“He is not my president. He is not your president. He lies. He cheats. He’s a bully. He disrespects us all." "We resist this president because he stands for the worst of everything." "…Impeach 45. Impeach 45. Impeach 45.”
What a hypocrite! Did you know that Maxine Waters was named "one of the most corrupt members of Congress?
That's right. The non-partisan group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) added her to their list for a series of accusations of abuse of power and ethical violations in 2005, 2006, 2009. And most recently, she has been accused of using public funds to pay her daughter over $600K from 2006 - 2016.
Talk about lying and cheating...
It's time for Maxine Waters to be removed from office, not Donald Trump.
Right now, we are working to secure a filibuster-proof senate for Donald Trump in 2018 to thwart the Democrats' master plan to steal control of the U.S. Senate in 2018, then ride their obstruction of Trump's agenda all the way to the White House in 2020.
That's why we have targeted the nine most vulnerable Democrat senators up for re-election in 2018 for defeat: Sherrod Brown (OH), Debbie Stabenow (MI),Tammy Baldwin (WI), Bob Casey (PA), Tim Kaine (VA), Jon Tester (MT), Claire McCaskill (MO), Joe Donnelly (IN) and Heidi Heitcamp (ND).
These nine senators are in league with the violent protesters on our streets and on America’s college campuses. They are puppets of George Soros and the far left national news media.
It is a pretty motley crew, and each one is beatable in 2018. If they are defeated by Republicans, the Democrats' master plan crumbles because this will give President Trump a 61-seat, filibuster-proof senate and conservatives will be able to keep leftist Democrats from blocking or watering down critical conservative legislation.
Our battle plan, dubbed the Nadler Method, was proven in our work in support of Dr. Ben Carson and subsequently, Donald Trump, is already in play.
By running ads over black radio stations in the states represented by these vulnerable senators, getting the truth out to African Americans that the Democrats are lying to them, that their policies are harming their families and communities, and the Republicans are not racists, we will win 17% to 20% and defeat these far left Democrat incumbents.
Since March 6, due largely to the help of our supporters, we've been airing ads 3x a week in black radio markets in Virginia and Wisconsin - and we launched in Indiana in April. This is costing us $23,250 per month.
As our fundraising continues to grow, we will launch in Missouri ($9,300 per month) and then launch in the remaining states one-by-one as funds allow, and keep them airing through Election Day 2018.
Once we are up and running in each of the nine states, it will cost us $109,000 per month. I know that's a big price tag, but I truly believe that exposing the Democrats' racist lies, and securing a filibuster-proof senate for President Trump is worth the cost.
So why add Representative Maxine Waters to this senate target list when having enough money is already a problem?
Because Mad Maxine must be shut down to end this reign of incitement, and show all the other Liberal obstructionists that the American people want President Trump's agenda to be passed and we will not stand for their underhanded tactics.
Join us in the fight to help us reclaim black voters to the Republican Party, and defeat ultra-radical, hateful, provocateur Maxine Waters.