Chairman's Blog

Media: “All the News That’s Fit to Print” (As Long As It Fits Our Agenda…)

February 10, 2020

People using phone while standing

In 1897, Adolph Ochs who owned the New York Times coined the slogan, “All the News That’s Fit to Print.” It’s supposed to point to the the principle of impartiality in their news coverage, and it’s still printed today on the front page in the masthead. They betrayed their motto a long time ago, and still do.

Here’s some quick cuts about recent events you mostly won’t read about in the Times.

Fit to print? Decide for yourself.

  • Bernie Sanders says felons in prison should be able to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bombers
  • Maxine Waters who represents one of the poorest districts in California won’t live in ghetto conditions she helped create. Instead, she lives miles away in a $4.5 million mansion.
  • Mike Bloomberg says he’ll spend up to a billion dollars on his presidential campaign, or the campaign of any other Democrat nominee so long as he can be sure Donald Trump will be beaten.
  • Democrats in the Virginia Legislature are working to make it easier to prosecute anyone who uses the internet to suggest or propose an immoral act against any state politician. Word to the wise, be careful who you criticize in Virginia.
  • Liz Warren is falling in the polls, but before you celebrate, Bernie Sanders is rising in the polls
  • Bernie Sanders and other Democrats have suggested that mass abortions will help alleviate climate change by thinning the population.
  • Donald Trump said recently he’ll work for tax reform that includes tax cuts for the middle class if he’s re-elected.
  • Hillary Clinton, in a special for HULU said, “no one likes Bernie, no one in the Senate wants to work with him.”
  • Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, freshman Member of Congress, and leader of the left wing of the Democrat Party proposes we do away with prisons saying that no human should be in a cage. She’s offered no alternative solution
  • Mike Bloomberg criticized Jack Wilson who killed the man who shot and murdered two people in a church last month in Texas saying, “it’s the job of law enforcement to have guns and decide when to shoot. You just do not want the average citizen carrying a gun in a crowded place.”
  • The Democrat Governor and Legislature in Virginia is proposing massive confiscations of guns from law abiding citizens. 20,000 showed up in Virginia’s capital to protest the anti-gun proposals. The protest made no impact on Democrats’ decision to move forward with their agenda.
  • Bernie Sanders, when asked how much all of his new government entitlement programs would cost, admitted he did not know. He simply suggested taxes would have to go up on everyone, especially the rich. Economists have pointed out, however, if taxes were raised to 80% on all earnings, it still would not be enough to pay for all of Bernie’s proposals over a ten year period. But it would be enough to damage the economy and cost Americans millions of jobs.
  • Of the 278 Democrats in Congress, only 3 claim they are pro-life leading many journalists to observe that pro-life supporters are no longer welcomed in the Democrat Party.
  • The Democrat Mayor of San Juan accused Trump of “killing us with inefficiency,” by not sending aid after hurricane Maria. Turns out the Trump Administration had sent millions of dollars in supplies and aid that piled up on landing docks for months. The aid went undistributed due to local corruption and incompetence. More than 2 years after Hurricane Maria, an investigative reporter discovered two warehouses full of food, water, medical supplies, water, blankets, and much more that local authorities had never been distributed despite a second hurricane and an earthquake since Maria.
  • Democratic presidential candidates support reparations to black Americans who were victims of slavery. None of them will say how much should be given or who exactly should receive the reparations. Higher taxes for sure, but none will say how high.
  • 34% of American Catholics say Pope Francis is too liberal, almost double the number who said the same thing 5 years ago.
  • Congresswoman Ilhan Omar who regularly criticizes America, wants to replace free enterprise with socialism, and frequently makes anti-Semitic comments, says in her new campaign ad, “I am the hope of the United States.”
  • More than one million illegal immigrants have received a license to drive in California.
  • Crime in New York City has shot through the roof since Democrats passed a new law making bail easier to get which took affect on January 1st.Robberies are up 35%, car theft is up 70%, shootings are up 27.3%, and burglaries are up 18%. The NY Police Union declared NYC’s rising crime rate a “public safety emergency.”
  • When he was Mayor of New York City, billionaire presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg tried to limit the amount of salt restaurants could sell and the size of soft drinks consumers could purchase. Since then, he’s spent more than $100 million nationally supporting candidates who want gun control.

Most of these stories will never appear in the New York Times, or the Washington Post, or on CNN, or in any of the other mainstream media. If they do, they’ll be buried or rationalized or defined as something they aren’t.

One serious casualty of the new politically correct ethic in media is truth. It’s no longer relevant. Ideology is everything today. We all exemplify the old adage, “Where you stand determines what you see.” But I find most conservatives are bashful about claiming impartiality when we opine on the issues. Not so liberals. Especially the media.

John Philip Sousa IV

John Philip Sousa IV is an entrepreneur, political activist, author and accomplished business person. John has worked in the financial services industry for over 40 years, built a highly successful marketing company, ran for congress at age 24, and in 2016 created and led the successful movement to draft Dr Ben Carson into his candidacy for President of the United States. John is author of John Philip Sousa, A Patriot’s Life in Words and Pictures and Ben Carson, RX for America.