Chairman's Blog

A socialism button
John Philip Sousa IV

Joe Biden has been in politics and government for almost half a century. He believes his long tenure makes him well known enough - and well-liked enough - that he needn’t deal with the pesky public or answer any difficult questions.

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Chairman's Blog

A man holding a VOTE button
John Philip Sousa IV

As far as I can tell, this race is a lot tighter than the polls claim. We’re at least within the margin of error. If that’s true, then this election will look a lot like the one in 2016 which leftists literally hollered at the sky, wailing to a God they don’t believe in.

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Chairman's Blog

The White House behind fences
John Philip Sousa IV

People have said this election is the most important in a generation. I think that perspective is too limited. This is probably the most important election in our history, at least till now.

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Chairman's Blog

A vintage film projector
John Philip Sousa IV

In my screenplay, Americans keep their freedom, the corrupt politicians who hate and work against those freedoms, do not.

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Chairman's Blog

The San Francisco Bridge in California
John Philip Sousa IV

Hopefully, the voters checking out of California will leave their politics behind after the disaster their past votes helped create.

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Chairman's Blog

A clenched fist
John Philip Sousa IV

When you can’t go to dinner without a thug taking over your table, yelling in your face, and threatening you with violence if you don’t give the Marxist clenched-fist, things are out of control.

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Chairman's Blog

A police car with bullet holes
John Philip Sousa IV

It seems the radical left believes now is the time to take over the country and impose their will on the American people. If force is required, so be it.

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Chairman's Blog

Debate podium
John Philip Sousa IV

Well, “it’s um,” ”you know man,” ”you liar,” “you clown,” “shut up man." And so it went.

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