Chairman's Blog

Defending Iran is Indefensible
John Philip Sousa IV

Twenty years ago, after the 9/11 attack, you would have had a pretty tough time finding one red-blooded American who chose to defend terrorists over America. My, how times have changed.

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Chairman's Blog

The High Costs of Illegal Immigration
John Philip Sousa IV

Though immigration is now taking a back seat to impeachment on the nightly news; when it comes to the future of our nation, almost nothing is quite as important.

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Chairman's Blog

How Far Are Leftists Going to Push?
John Philip Sousa IV

Democrats have weaponized impeachment for no reason other than removing a president they don’t like. It’s prosecutorial abuse at its worst, and anywhere else in the world we’d call it what it is, an attempted coup. You have to wonder just how far they’re willing to go.

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Chairman's Blog

The Greatest Threat to America
John Philip Sousa IV

Let’s be very clear. The greatest threat to our freedom, safety, and economic well being isn’t Russia or even China. It’s our own American radical fringe.

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