Chairman's Blog

Democrats Hitting The Political Rock Bottom
John Philip Sousa IV

Hopefully, pushing through to a better future won’t first require us to hit bottom by negating an election, dishonoring our Constitution, and violating basic American values.

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Chairman's Blog

The Green New Maniacs
John Philip Sousa IV

The people on the Connecticut coast are already experiencing the socialist impulses of the green new maniacs. If one of them wins the White House, you will experience it too.

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Chairman's Blog

Muslim-Socialist Hybrids
John Philip Sousa IV

The new Muslim-Socialist hybrid candidates hate America and our values. We’ve already elected far too many politicians who pledged to defend a Constitution they hate and are working to tear down.

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Chairman's Blog

The Victims of Socialist Abuse
John Philip Sousa IV

Greta Thunberg is a 16-year old girl who has gained international attention for her climate activism. My contention is that she is an abused child.

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