Chairman's Blog

John Philip Sousa IV

If anyone should appreciate the freedom and opportunity they’ve gained by coming to America, it should be Omar. Unfortunately, exactly the reverse is true.

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Chairman's Blog

Let’s Print More Money!
John Philip Sousa IV

What’s the answer to rising American debt? There are lots of things Washington could do but the truth is, most politicians don’t see there's even a problem.

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Chairman's Blog

Democrats Gut The Rules to Win
John Philip Sousa IV

Is there no proposal too outlandish, too expensive, too oppressive that Democrats won’t advance in their efforts to win a primary?

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Chairman's Blog

One Song Wonders
John Philip Sousa IV

I stubbed my toe shopping for a sofa yesterday and it was President Trump's fault.

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Chairman's Blog

America: Home of the Lawless?
John Philip Sousa IV

The left seems intent on editing the moniker that defined America as “home of the brave” to home of the lawless.

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Chairman's Blog

Hollywood's Hope
John Philip Sousa IV

When it comes to politics, my usual assumption when I see a big name celebrity is that more likely than not, they’re on the opposite side of the partisan divide. But something happened last night that changed my perspective.

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