Chairman's Blog

12 Hours and Counting
John Philip Sousa IV

I don’t know about you, but I’m already feeling a bit worn out by the new Democrat majority in the House.

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Chairman's Blog

Wolves in Ducks’ Clothing
John Philip Sousa IV

Normally, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. Except when it’s not.

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Chairman's Blog

The Paris I Never Knew
John Philip Sousa IV

I’m in Paris as I write this. I’m pleased to report that the anti-American attitudes of three decades ago seem all but gone.

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Chairman's Blog

Happy New Year
John Philip Sousa IV

As we move from 2018 to 2019 not much has changed. Both sides are fighting tooth and nail to convince Americans they are right. What they don’t get is that all we want is for both sides to work together for the benefit of our country.

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Chairman's Blog

The Real Cost of Illegal Immigration
John Philip Sousa IV

Whether the combined costs all-in are $150 billion or $250 billion doesn’t matter. What does matter is that Democrats would rather put illegal immigrants ahead of American citizens — our taxpayers, our vets, our debt or repairing our infrastructure.

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Chairman's Blog

The War Over Immigration’s Cost
John Philip Sousa IV

Do our borders matter? Do the rights and earnings of taxpayers matter? Do America’s citizens come first? Until Democrats start negotiating on those basic principals, then we taxpayers will continue to be little more than victims in their assault against border security.

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Chairman's Blog

Random Thoughts
John Philip Sousa IV

Yes, I know these are all just random subjects held together by little more than their common idiocy. Unfortunately, there are so many more breathtakingly dumb things happening these days that blog posts like this are likely to become more common.

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