Chairman's Blog

Opposite World
John Philip Sousa IV

When I contrast the presidencies of Obama and Trump, looking through the eyes of the left, It reminds me of that old SyFy channel show called Opposite Worlds.

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Chairman's Blog

Civility and Hillary
John Philip Sousa IV

Last week Hillary appointed herself official Democrat apologist when she announced there could be no civility in our political dialogue until Democrats retook control of the federal government.

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Chairman's Blog

John Philip Sousa IV

Holding politicians accountable is incredibly important, but it’s still not being done and we see the disastrous results all around us.

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Chairman's Blog

Eight Long Years
John Philip Sousa IV

For eight very long years, those of us who love freedom; want a smaller, more responsive, more frugal government; believe in rule of law; care about a strong national defense, and understand the United States is special in the history of the world suffered under the “leadership” of Barack Obama and his Administration.

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Chairman's Blog

John Philip Sousa IV

Most of us have heard of George Soros, the multi-Billionaire who never met a left wing cause, candidate, or scheme he did not support.

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Chairman's Blog

John Philip Sousa IV

I will readily admit that until this past weekend, I’ve not always been a big fan of Senator Susan Collins of Maine. Between her, Jeff Flake, and Lisa Murkowski; it’s sometimes seems like a competition for most liberal Republican in the Senate.

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Chairman's Blog

John Philip Sousa IV

I love getting email from the Democratic Party. Every time an email from the Socialist Democrats arrives in my in box I realize just how right we are to be on the conservative side of the debate.

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Chairman's Blog

John Philip Sousa IV

The “Democratic” Socialists seem to love me. I received another email from one of the several Democratic Socialists who will be running for president in 2020.

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Chairman's Blog

John Philip Sousa IV

I read a Facebook post from a good friend yesterday who lamented the name-calling and lack of civil conversation in our body politic. It’s hard to argue against his point.

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Chairman's Blog

The Dregs
John Philip Sousa IV

The other day Joe Biden called Trump supporters, “the dregs of society.” Now, I don’t know why Biden would channel Hillary Clinton, it certainly didn’t work for her, but liberals just can’t help themselves.

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