Chairman's Blog

Partisan Healthcare Means Americans Will Die
John Philip Sousa IV

There’s absolutely no question that with the federal government in charge of healthcare, costs will go up, wait times will increase, innovation will decline, quality will suffer, and access will fall.

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Chairman's Blog

How Much Regulation Is Too Much?
John Philip Sousa IV

America is a country full of smart people with really great ideas. And when smart people make money from their great ideas, they often invest in the great ideas of other people. The benefits are felt worldwide.

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Chairman's Blog

The Hong Kong Teaching Moment
John Philip Sousa IV

If you’ve been watching the riots in Hong Kong you will have noticed a couple of very important things.

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Chairman's Blog

More Democrats, Same Choir
John Philip Sousa IV

No matter who in the choir comes or goes, the song remains the same no matter how discordant the notes.

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Chairman's Blog

Making The Outlandish Terrifying
John Philip Sousa IV

“Silly” isn’t really the right word after all. This election isn’t so much “frivolous, outlandish, or illogical” as it is terrifying. The changes Democrats advocate should make your hair stand on end.

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Chairman's Blog

Democrats Hitting The Political Rock Bottom
John Philip Sousa IV

Hopefully, pushing through to a better future won’t first require us to hit bottom by negating an election, dishonoring our Constitution, and violating basic American values.

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Chairman's Blog

The Green New Maniacs
John Philip Sousa IV

The people on the Connecticut coast are already experiencing the socialist impulses of the green new maniacs. If one of them wins the White House, you will experience it too.

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