Chairman's Blog

Freedom’s Enemy Within
John Philip Sousa IV

Those who want to take your economic rights are the enemies of all rights and all freedom.

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Chairman's Blog

John Philip Sousa IV

If gambling on politics were legal, the risk Nancy Pelosi and her band of corrupt and incompetent committee chairmen are taking to inaugurate impeachment proceedings against President Trump would undoubtedly enhance Trump’s chances for re-election.

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Chairman's Blog

Democrats Unify
John Philip Sousa IV

It seems foolish that Democrats would align with these radicals. It makes them look bad and causes rank and file Democrats to worry their party has left them behind as it lurches to the far left.

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Chairman's Blog

Customer service
John Philip Sousa IV

It wasn’t all that long ago you called a business and actually got a human being on the other end of the phone. If you left a message, chances were good you’d get a return call the same day.

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Chairman's Blog

Mass Hysteria!
John Philip Sousa IV

Call it what you like–mass hysteria or total hypocrisy. Two faced, double standard, or just corrupt politics intended to fool the uninformed.

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