Chairman's Blog

John Philip Sousa IV

If you think you are confused today, just wait. There are already 10 Democrats (socialists) running for president. And they’ve already started stepping all over one another to see which can lurch furthest to the left -promising everything to everyone.

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Chairman's Blog

Politicians Get Away With Armed Robbery
John Philip Sousa IV

How is it possible that our elected representatives think the government is entitled to as much of your money as they care to take?

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Chairman's Blog

Closed Minds, Crazy Ideas
John Philip Sousa IV

Even before Trump’s State of the Union Address last night, Maxine Waters was acting like the junkyard dog we know her to be and calling on Democrats to boycott the speech.

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Chairman's Blog

John Philip Sousa IV

In my experience, if someone has any interest at all in reaching a deal — even if they expect the other side to mostly give in — they don’t just keep saying no.

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Chairman's Blog

All Screwed Up
John Philip Sousa IV

Just consider, you can’t spank your kid. But killing her anytime up to the day of her birth is perfectly ok. Now, that’s ALL screwed up.

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Candace Owens at the Blexit Rally

Stage Right Has Left Going Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs

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Chairman's Blog

Plane flying over city
John Philip Sousa IV

I used to wonder why in the world those elected to Congress were so hell-bent on spending their lives at what most believe is a thankless job. Thanks to Nancy Pelosi, we know the answer.

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2018 Election Round-Up

All in all, Stars and Stripes Forever PAC was involved in more than 18 crucial races and spent over $575,000 on radio, billboards, newspaper and brochures to dispel the lies the Democrats have been feeding Black Americans for years.

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