Chairman's Blog

Government Controlled Housing
John Philip Sousa IV

In the past few months, key Democrat leaders have proven to their own embarrassment there is no radical leftist proposal so far out they aren’t willing to become its champion.

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Chairman's Blog

Where Democrats Are Headed
John Philip Sousa IV

We have looked at where the Democratic Party has been and where it is today. Now let’s take a look in our crystal ball and see if we can figure out where it is headed.

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Chairman's Blog

Obama’s Real Legacy
John Philip Sousa IV

Lyndon Johnson believed in a welfare state as a way to lock the poor into voting Democrat for damn near forever. Obama put that strategy on steroids.

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Chairman's Blog

Democrats and the Party of Big
John Philip Sousa IV

Despite all Obama’s efforts to vilify America’s wealthier citizens, the embarrassing truth Democrats don’t want to address is why the rich got richer and the poor got poorer under his presidency.

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Chairman's Blog

Memo To Democrats
John Philip Sousa IV

While I agree you’re doing a great job planning for the 2018 elections, I’d like to weigh in with a few thoughts about your strategy to embarrass the president and take control of the House and Senate.

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Chairman's Blog

White House Sunset
John Philip Sousa IV

Can this really be true? Didn’t she get the message two years ago? Or is she so hell bent on being the first female president, she would subject America again to a Clinton candidacy.

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Chairman's Blog

Border Wall
John Philip Sousa IV

Sounds like a completely ridiculous notion, right? Open borders. If taken literally it simply means that anyone — no, everyone — with a desire to come to America can do so. Short term, or for the rest of their lives.

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Chairman's Blog

John Philip Sousa IV

When the immediate knee-jerk reaction is protest without reason for nothing more than partisan political gain…if they are purely protesting the President…then politics has taken over.

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Chairman's Blog

Liberal Magic Tricks
John Philip Sousa IV

The left is playing a trick on us now. It’s not a new trick, but it’s nevertheless a very effective one. They realize their best chance to gain total and permanent control of our government is to make red states blue, or at least a lot bluer than they were in 2016.

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Chairman's Blog

A Letter to America
John Philip Sousa IV

​As our country ventures into writing still another chapter in our unbelievable history it’s important we consider where we’ve been and take a hard look forward at where we might be going.

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