Chairman's Blog

President Donald Trump speaking at Faith & Freedom's Road to Majority Conference
John Philip Sousa IV

The nerve of this guy Donald Trump! I mean, we should all be card-carrying members of the Hate Trump/RESIST/IMPEACH movements. How could we not? Just look at what he is doing — even worse, what he is trying to do...

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Chairman's Blog

John Philip Sousa IV

Change for the right reasons can be useful and good. But when change is promoted for purely selfish or worse, political reasons, it can not only be dumb, it can be downright terrifying.

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Chairman's Blog

John Philip Sousa IV

Thanks to her many looney outbursts, Maxine Waters has become the new face of the Democratic Party — a political sinkhole that is increasingly unhinged, socialist-leaning, authoritarian, law-breaking, and corrupt.

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Chairman's Blog

John Philip Sousa IV

Segregation is an ugly word; it was ugly in the 20th century and it’s even uglier today.

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Chairman's Blog

The Red Hen
John Philip Sousa IV

All I can say is, “take heart America.” Stand tall and don’t cower from the leftists who are willing to resort to any dishonesty, any corruption, in their rage against Trump. Instead, let’s resolve to fight back … not with the left’s tactics of lies, harassment, and ridicule; but with reason, truth, and decency.

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Chairman's Blog

Time to Fight Flag
John Philip Sousa IV

It’s time we “deplorables” stood up to the left wing thugs. We have GREAT power, we just have to use it.

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Chairman's Blog

Trump Kim Meeting
John Philip Sousa IV

When I arrived at the Hartford airport this morning to catch my flight to Los Angeles I was eager to get a newspaper and learn more about what happened in Singapore last night (our time).

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Chairman's Blog

Boats Cargo Cargo Container
John Philip Sousa IV

Trump is doing nothing more than than looking out for American companies and American workers. It’s about time we had a president who did so.

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Chairman's Blog

John Philip Sousa IV

Why are the Democrats so desperate to make us believe things that are clearly untrue? It’s because Trump is dangerously close to destroying the left’s narrative that government knows best what is good for you and how you should spend YOUR money!

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