Maxine Waters Billboard

Representative Waters is bound and determined to continue to fan the fire of division in America, pitting blacks against whites, women against men and Democrats against Republicans. We're working to put an end to it.

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Chairman's Blog

War On Conservatives
John Philip Sousa IV

The swamp dwellers, the Washington insiders, the Hollywood elite and, of course, the everyday liberals and progressives (have I omitted anyone?) have declared war on us.

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Doug Jones is pro-choice when it comes to abortion, anti-choice when it comes to education and opposes tax cuts for middle-class families. It's time for change.

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Chairman's Blog

Christmas Political Correctness
John Philip Sousa IV

I don’t know about you, but for the past 8-10 years I have witnessed a huge decline in the quality of Christmas decorations almost everywhere. It seems to match the decrease in people saying Merry Christmas and the major fall off in sales of Christmas gifts.

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Chairman's Blog

Judge Roy Moore
John Philip Sousa IV

When I was growing up I was taught that one is innocent until proven guilty, why doesn't that apply in American politics?

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Joe Donnelly is a liberal trapped in a failed philosophy of high taxes and big spending – the very things that hurt job growth for those who need it most – the poor.

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Tammy Baldwin is a liberal trapped in a failed philosophy of high taxes and big spending — the very things that hurt job growth for those who need it most — the poor.

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Chairman's Blog

John McCain Brain Cancer
John Philip Sousa IV

Our elected officials have put themselves above the laws of our land and the laws of common sense. And it is well past time to turn this around. NOW!

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Chairman's Blog

National Anthem Kneel
John Philip Sousa IV

Taking a knee is grandstanding, and nothing, I mean nothing, positive will come of it.

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Chairman's Blog

Washington Post Vs. Patriots
John Philip Sousa IV

Over the years, the Washington Post has turned into nothing more than a liberal rag devoted to promoting the far left agenda and more recently a paper 100% dedicated to the destruction and failure of the Trump presidency.

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