Chairman's Blog

John Philip Sousa IV

Ronald Reagan wasn’t very bright. John Philip Sousa was an anti American fascist. Donald Trump is a white supremacist racist. Damned Lies!

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Chairman's Blog

Wild Wild West
John Philip Sousa IV

Let’s elect politicians who care about the American tax payers, about setting priorities that work for the American taxpayers, and who will fight against corruption in Washington DC and all 50 state capitols.

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Chairman's Blog

A photo of President Donald J. Trump
John Philip Sousa IV

Folks, can we just start here? Give the President a chance. Tell CNN and the 4 networks to stop with the fake news and give this guy the benefit of the doubt.

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Chairman's Blog

John Philip Sousa IV

If we could hold government employees accountable to serve their customers, you and me, just as free enterprise must do, and fire those who refuse, I can promise you service would get much better.

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Chairman's Blog

Kneeling for National Anthem
John Philip Sousa IV

Americans of all color, race and creed are frustrated by the new divide that seems to be growing between us. Here's what we should do to fix it:

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Chairman's Blog

American Privilege
John Philip Sousa IV

Just because a human being (and that is what we are talking about) is born one color or another, or one religion or another, or one tax bracket or another does not make that human being any less or more valuable than any other human being.

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Chairman's Blog

St. Louis Protesters
John Philip Sousa IV

​Not much surprises me anymore, but several items today have me pounding my head against the wall wondering ‘what in the hell is wrong with people?’

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Chairman's Blog

Times Square Liberal Media Coverage
John Philip Sousa IV

We live in a media culture that promotes lies and half-truths in service to misrepresent the actions of the current administration all with the goal of continuing the policies of Obama (and Clinton).

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Chairman's Blog

U.S. Capitol Building
John Philip Sousa IV

If the leaders of Congress would find common ground around the principles they claim to share, rather than continuing the kind of bickering that is tearing us apart, they could wipe the blackboard clean and work together to solve our problems.

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Chairman's Blog

Food Stamps Free Handouts
John Philip Sousa IV

Beware Democrats. Black America is the sleeping giant that is beginning to wake up. And when they do, your ability to “pimp them like prostitutes” will be over.

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