The Next Phase of the Victory Project Begins
Starting today (September 27), the 2016 Committee will officially begin launching four radio spots in targeted African American Markets which will run up until Election Day.
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Starting today (September 27), the 2016 Committee will officially begin launching four radio spots in targeted African American Markets which will run up until Election Day.
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2016 Committee, a Super PAC first launched to support Dr. Ben Carson and now focused on opposing Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, is up with a $1.45 million dollar ad buy targeting African American voters throughout North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin and Michigan.
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Pascal’s wager has become my fire-wall in arguing with the Kool-Aid drinkers of NeverTrump. None of Trump’s imperfections, both as a person and as a candidate, threaten the future of the country. Hillary appointing far-left zealots to the federal judiciary and bureaucracy absolutely does. Which would you rather?
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Many fine folks have qualms about Trump. However, a large majority of these conservative activists have come around, are supporting Trump and plan to vote for him, clothespin on nose or otherwise. For they realize that a) a Clinton presidency represents an existential threat to our freedoms and b) the only candidate who can prevent that is named Trump.
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In our last communication, we told you we needed about $700,000 to run radio ads on black radio stations in North Carolina and Ohio, the two must-win states needed to defeat Hillary Clinton this coming November 7th. Today, thanks to you, The 2016 Committee has nearly $560,000 in our bank account, all dedicated to those radio ads in Ohio and North Carolina.
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Now some people have said, "Why would you get behind a man like Donald Trump?" I'll tell you why. I've come to know Donald Trump over the last few years. He is actually a very intelligent man who cares deeply about America. [He’s] very cerebral, sits there and considers things very carefully.
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The black vote is climbing both numerically and as a percent of the total vote. That makes our outreach to African American voters that much more important, especially when you consider that in the last NBC/Wall Street Journal poll 37% of African Americans were identified as conservatives based on their views on the issues.
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That crashing sound and acrid burning smell you've noticed of late is the "NeverTrump" (NT) movement meeting political reality in the same manner the dirigible Hindenburg met the ground in Lakehurst, New Jersey.
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New swing-state polls released Wednesday by Quinnipiac University show Trump leading Clinton in Florida and Pennsylvania — and tied in the critical battleground state of Ohio. In three of the states that matter most in November, the surveys point to a race much closer than the national polls, which have Clinton pegged to a significant, mid-single-digit advantage over Trump, suggest.
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