Chairman's Blog

A child with an American flag cape on his father's back
John Philip Sousa IV

Liberals love to say they’re all about the kids, but that's not really true.

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Chairman's Blog

A woman wearing an American flag mask
John Philip Sousa IV

Talk to some folks today about what’s going on, they say it’s business as usual; talk to others, it’s the end of the world.

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Chairman's Blog

An image of the U.S. capitol building at dusk
John Philip Sousa IV

Most members of Congress are very far from sainthood, and yet they look down on us with condescension and contempt. It’s beyond repulsive. How dare they?

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Chairman's Blog

The Skyline of Las Vegas
John Philip Sousa IV

While it can be fun to put a few chips on the table, there are some things not worth gambling with. The future of our country is like that. The stakes are way too high to risk.

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Chairman's Blog

A photo of rioters standing in front of a fire
John Philip Sousa IV

All violence has ever done is produce societies that weren’t worth saving. Make no mistake, a clear reading of history assures that’s exactly where we’re headed if this insanity isn’t stopped soon.

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