Chairman's Blog

A group of men carrying a board
John Philip Sousa IV

The killing of George Floyd was horrible. The murderers who did it will pay as they should. But George Floyd was just an excuse for the rage and frustration of people who never learned better.

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Chairman's Blog

A police officer running through smoke
John Philip Sousa IV

ANTIFA and BLACK LIVES MATTER love this. They’ve transformed what started as an arguably righteous protest over a killing we all agreed was horrible, to acts just as evil as that killing.

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Chairman's Blog

Eyes of a tiger
John Philip Sousa IV

I’m not saying Democrats have actually colluded with China. Obviously, they wouldn’t do to America what China has unwittingly (or not) done just to beat Donald Trump, would they?

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Chairman's Blog

An image of a yellow brick road
John Philip Sousa IV

Years from now people will still be looking back at how this short and terrible period of time changed our country and the world. I hope it ends with the curtain being pulled back to reveal the truth about those who are using this crisis to remake America.

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A picture of the U.S. Capitol at sunset

If you are one of the 535 Members of Congress, you’re probably more interested in getting re-elected than you are making America more prosperous for future generations.

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Chairman's Blog

A crown with light shining through it
John Philip Sousa IV

Governor Gavin Newsom of California clearly likes illegals a great deal more than he does the Californians he was elected to lead.

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Chairman's Blog

An image of the capital building in Washington D.C.
John Philip Sousa IV

We read so many unbelievable things done by our ruling elites, we’re no longer surprised. We count them as ordinary.

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