Chairman's Blog

A women protesting
John Philip Sousa IV

The best defense is a good offense. That’s the playbook used by Barack Obama, Joe Biden, James Comey, and most of the others involved with trying to overturn the 2016 presidential election results - and the Democrats who are helping them cover it up.

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Chairman's Blog

A photo of a barbershop window
John Philip Sousa IV

If you’re a home-body, if you don’t care for all those greedy capitalist barbers and landscape workers, and if you think the socialism that failed in the 20th century should be the economic system de choix of the 21st century; then you’re in luck.

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Chairman's Blog

A photo of a woman wearing a mask in China
John Philip Sousa IV

We are living in not only interesting times, but perhaps in the most complex and corrupt time in human history.

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Chairman's Blog

A photo of a girl wearing a surgical mask
John Philip Sousa IV

Now that we seem to be ready to return to at least some level of normalcy, it’s a good time to look back and consider how our elected representatives handled themselves.

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Chairman's Blog

A black and white abstract photo
John Philip Sousa IV

Political Opposite World is populated most densely by Democrats. And among their Opposite World ideas is that the trouble with Donald Trump is his dictatorial tendencies.

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Chairman's Blog

A picture of the US Capitol Dome
John Philip Sousa IV

The question remains, which of these two women wins the award as most dreadful human being: Hillary or Pelosi? From what I can see, It’s a dead heat, neither wins. You can be sure though as long as Pelosi is Speaker, all of America will lose.

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Chairman's Blog

Capital Washington D.C.
John Philip Sousa IV

It’s unconscionable to engineer the death of thousands, and destroy the economic well-being of millions, to promote an ideological agenda or win a political campaign.

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