Chairman's Blog

A globe showing the country of China
John Philip Sousa IV

It seems weird to me the hills many journalists are quite happy to die on when it comes to defaming Donald Trump.

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Chairman's Blog

Man spraying down an airport to prevent coronavirus spread
John Philip Sousa IV

Based on her actions over the last two weeks, it’s apparent Nancy Pelosi sees the COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity for both political and personal gain.

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Chairman's Blog

Empty shelves in a grocery store
John Philip Sousa IV

Now that Bernie Sanders is fully on the mat, and Joe Biden is the presumptive Democrat nominee, let’s take stock of the party Biden will soon lead.

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Chairman's Blog

Wall Street Street Sign
John Philip Sousa IV

Here’s a headline you won’t see on MSNBC. President Trump Is Not Responsible for The Stock Market Decline.

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Chairman's Blog

Airplane taking off at sunset
John Philip Sousa IV

If hotels and airlines need the money, add it to the price. But, for goodness sakes, before we spend billions in tax dollars, let’s require the recipients to be honest and transparent.

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Chairman's Blog

Person holding U.S. dollar banknote
John Philip Sousa IV

Seems today's long-term Democrat politicians aren't interested in earning their vote, they assume it'll be given to them. And for…

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