Chairman's Blog

Selfish Change

July 04, 2018

The left wants to eliminate of ICE — the federal agency responsible for enforcing our immigration laws. It shouldn’t surprise that they’ve offered absolutely nothing to replace ICE because they’d allow anyone in who wants in.

Change for the right reasons can be useful and good. But when change is promoted for purely selfish or worse, political reasons, it can not only be dumb, it can be downright terrifying.

Ever since Donald Trump’s election Democrats, progressives, socialists (really one in the same) have proposed sweeping changes to our country that look a lot more terrifying than they do useful.

Since Hillary won the popular vote (still waiting on the tallies from illegals, dead people and multiple voters,) the left has floated the idea of eliminating the Electoral College.

The math makes clear what that change would mean. Without the pesky Electoral College, a candidate could win the Presidency by winning only 3 states in the union: California, New York, and Illinois. That’s right, the 3 most far left states in America could forever dictate the President of the United States.  The votes of those in the other 47 states would be made null and void, and the White House would become the sole property of the most liberal among us. 

A truly frightening thought.

But eliminating the Electoral College is only one of the changes the leftist loonies propose in order to assure their permanent control of our government. This same anti-Trump/Resist/Impeach crowd also want to change the Constitution so Supreme Court Judges do not receive a life time appointment. They fear that President Trump may end up with as many as 3 appointments, and should that happen, lifetime tenure assures the court would be impacted for the next twenty or thirty years.

Now, if you don’t remember their supporting the same change during Obama’s Presidency it’s not because you slept through it. It’s because it never happened.

Here’s another “change” the “open-borders/socialist” crowd want: the elimination of ICE — the federal agency responsible for enforcing our immigration laws. It shouldn’t surprise that they’ve offered absolutely nothing to replace ICE because they’d allow anyone in who wants in.

Now, normally I’m all for eliminating as many government agencies as possible, but this one really does some serious good:

  1. They are responsible for catching and deporting criminal illegals like MS-13 members.
  2. They are responsible for catching child traffickers.
  3. Their job is to round up any and all illegals who have broken the law or missed their court appearances.

The lefties mostly justify their demand to do away with ICE by blaming the agency for enforcing the law signed by Bill Clinton and carried out by Presidents Bush and Obama that separates kids from their families at the border. They’re WRONG! 

It’s the Customs and Border Protection Agency that decides such issues.

One would hope and think the dopes of the left would at least target the correct agency.

And once again, I don’t recall any call for the abolishment of ICE (or Customs and Border Protection) while Obama was President even though they had the same job then they do now.

So typical of the left to propose making changes without offering any alternative solutions.

How ironic that the party of JFK has morphed into the party of one of his biggest international enemies, Fidel Castro. Not just ironic, but sad.

John Philip Sousa IV

John Philip Sousa IV is an entrepreneur, political activist, author and accomplished business person. John has worked in the financial services industry for over 40 years, built a highly successful marketing company, ran for congress at age 24, and in 2016 created and led the successful movement to draft Dr Ben Carson into his candidacy for President of the United States. John is author of John Philip Sousa, A Patriot’s Life in Words and Pictures and Ben Carson, RX for America.