Chairman's Blog

Washington Post vs. Patriots

October 16, 2017

Washington Post Vs. Patriots

Larry Flint, founder of Penthouse Magazine is running a full page ad in the Washington Post Newspaper offering $10,000,000 dollars to anyone who can provide sufficient dirt on President Trump to cause impeachment of our president.

A little history:

In 1889 an almost nonexistent newspaper called the Washington Post approached John Philip Sousa and asked him to compose a march in honor of an essay contest that the newspaper was running.

Mr. Sousa complied and wrote what today is one of the most popular marches in the world; The Washington Post March. Sousa preformed the march on the front lawn of the Smithsonian for the first time.

That march put this little newspaper on the map and it grew to be one of the most recognized newspapers in the world. Sadly, over the years the newspaper has turned into nothing more than a liberal rag devoted to promoting the far left agenda and more recently a paper 100% dedicated to the destruction and failure of the Trump presidency: “to hell with the will of the people.”

A bit more history:

John Philip Sousa was more than a composer; he was one of America’s greatest patriots!

Sousa, at age 13, joined the Marines as a musician’s apprentice and then became the youngest ever leader of the Presidents Own at 24. He built The Marine Band into one of the world’s most famous bands initiating tours so that all Americans could experience and enjoy the music of Presidents Own.

John Philip Sousa constantly wrote music to celebrate and honor his much beloved nation and all branches of our military.

Sousa wrote The Stars and Stripes Forever March after returning from holiday in Europe. Later Congress passed, and President Reagan signed, legislation making it our National March — only the second piece of “official” music in our country.  

Sousa toured the world as an outstanding Ambassador for our country promoting the freedoms that Americans enjoyed and the progress that a young country had made in a celebration of democracy. Because of his popularity, Sousa became a millionaire by touring with his band and writing over 500 pieces of music, books and miscellaneous other items.

At age 61, Sousa gave up his band and joined the United States Navy to help raise funds for America’s involvement in WWI. His success raising millions has been credited for making a major impact in America’s victory.  

Sousa, in celebrating his decision to join the Navy, with a smile on his face, said the following:

I joined the Reserves on the last day of May.

I gave up my Band and a thousand a day.

A dollar a month is my government pay.

My God, how the money rolls in.

So back to Larry Flint and the Washington Post Newspaper. Flint’s despicable ad, and the Post’s agreeing to run it, has NO purpose other than to subvert the will of the American people.

I have spoken with legal counsel to see if I can legally change the name of the Washington Post March to something that John Philip Sousa would today be proud of. The actions of the current newspaper would be causing Sousa to spin in his grave in disgust…pure and utter disgust.

I’ll keep you posted on my progress to deprive the liberal rag known as the Washington Post Newspaper of a March written by a true American Patriot.

Both Larry Flint and the Washington Post should be ashamed…Truly ashamed!

John Philip Sousa IV

John Philip Sousa IV is an entrepreneur, political activist, author and accomplished business person. John has worked in the financial services industry for over 40 years, built a highly successful marketing company, ran for congress at age 24, and in 2016 created and led the successful movement to draft Dr Ben Carson into his candidacy for President of the United States. John is author of John Philip Sousa, A Patriot’s Life in Words and Pictures and Ben Carson, RX for America.